Archive for the ‘Elections’ Category

NASD School Board Vacancy – Vote May 19th (2009)

Thursday, April 30th, 2009

This is a write-in candidate, you have to enter his name to vote for him.
My name is Darrell Crook, I am running a write in campaign for the soon
to be vacant School Board seat in Lower Nazareth.

I retired from Northampton Areas School District July of 2008 where I
served as Principal for 21 years and a teacher for 20 years.  I served
on the Nazareth Area School District Board for 12 years (1985-1997).

I have always been very active in the community; currently serving as a
board member on the National Canal Museum, Nazareth Area Food Bank,
Nazareth Area Citizens Committee for ESROC, Moravian Hall Square
Retirement Community, Moravian Academy, Nazareth Lions Club, and the
Southeast PA Board of Directors for Odyssey of the Mind.  I also serve
as the President of Church Council for the Nazareth Moravian Church.

In the Past I have served on the Nazareth Borough Council, the Board of
the Nazareth YMCA, Nazareth Moravian Church Board of Elders and
Christian Education Committee, Eastern District Education Committee of
the Moravian Church, Northern Province of the Moravian Church Education
Ministries and as a Board member of the Moravian Historical Society.

I believe my career in education in conjunction with my experience
collaborating  with various boards and committee’s would be useful in
solving the issues facing the Nazareth Area School District.  Please
write in Darrell Crook for the Lower Nazareth School Board seat.  You
may contact me at” with any questions.