Well it was somewhat of a routine meeting until the portion reserved for Managers Report (minutes will be posted after the next BOS Mtg. 12/03/2008). The Township Manager, Mr. Tenges expressed in no uncertain terms, his sentiments about this Blog as well as the LNT Citizens web site. I’ll be generous and say they weren’t favorable.
I’ll wait for the meeting minutes before commenting further to see if both of our remarks are accurately and completely reflected.
As noted in earlier comments, the Draft 2009 Budget is now available for review on the LNT Citizens web site, go to the Other Documents page; as proposed there would be no tax increase. Also available on the same page is the Auditors report of LNT’s 2007 finances.
Stay Tuned.
Well there was nothing wrong with this website. I find it up to date and news worthy. We have the freedom of speech and Tim Tenges likes the Freedom of speech until it is against him. I have known him too long. Sorry Tim there are still people in Lower Nazareth that are still out there and paying attention!