At the upcoming Lower Nazareth Supervisors Meeting (Nov. 5th 2008) expect to hear about a new ordinance regarding contractors operating in the township. At the 09/24/08 meeting Mr. Tenges asked the supervisors to authorize Gary Asteak (Twp. Solicitor) to draft an ordinance (with penalties for noncompliance incorporated) requiring any company or individual that does business in the township to obtain a license to do business in the township. Tim said its tough keeping track of them all, especially the driveway contractors. As an afterthought Tim asked Gary to make sure it includes provisions applicable to trash & recycle haulers. If past performance is any indicator Im sure there will be plenty of Township imposed Fees for services provided.
As a side benefit for citizens, it will increase your costs and increase the time it takes to get the work you contract for performed. There is no benefit to either the citizens or the contractors; its just an additional, costly bureaucratic layer interjected in our lives. The language of the proposed ordinance should be available at the next meeting, I will post a copy a couple days after the meeting.