At least one. At the Nov. 14, 2007 Board of Supervisors meeting, after the Conditional use hearing on the IDI Warehouse Development, Twp. Mgr. Tim Tenges discussed the proposed 2008 Preliminary Budget.
Mr.Tenges stated revenues were approximately $900,000 short of anticipated revenues. Mr. Tenges explained there were two options, ” enhance revenues” (read that tax increase) or cover the difference with existing reserves which stand at approximately $1.5M.
Some discussion amongst the board ensued: Mr. Dilsaver (Chairman) asked if anyone wanted to entertain increasing taxes? Mr. Nagle replied he didn’t really want to increase taxes if we don’t have to. Mr. Johnson stated: wouldn’t it be better to raise the taxes this year instead of next? (Someone on the board, I didn’t catch who, mentioned that next year will be an election year)
Mr. Dilsaver said we should entertain a one mill increase bringing us to 4.125 mills. Mr. Dilsaver then made a motion for the 2008 draft budget to include an increase in the tax rate by one mill. This requires the Township Solicitor to advertise the budget (will be advertised in the Express Times) so that the Board can approve the tax increase yet this year. I am not sure if it will be at the Nov. or Dec. meeting.
Tim Tenges pointed out that a one mill increase will raise approximately $300K in revenue, the other $600K will have to come out of the reserves.
Didnt hear much discussion on cutting costs. Seems like this should have been at least the Second Option in the process.
The Draft Budget is available here: